Securities Donations

At WoodsEdge, we want to provide opportunities to invest in Kingdom growth, leveraging the maximum effectiveness for your donations. Below are a few ways to stretch your contributions while meeting your financial goals.

Donating Appreciated Securities – Donating appreciated securities is actually a more tax advantaged way to give than giving cash! As a donor you can take a tax deduction for the fair market value of the stock on the day you donate it, while avoiding having to pay any capital-gains taxes on the increased value had you sold the stock and then given WoodsEdge the cash proceeds. It is important to note that you can deduct the fair market value only if you have held the stock for at least a year before giving it away so make sure you check with your brokerage firm and tax accountant when planning your gift. Donating is easy, but if you do wish to donate stock, please send us an email at so that we can provide you important information on the process. You will then need to contact your brokerage firm as they will have a form for you to complete to initiate the transfer of the securities.

Donor Advised Fund (DAF) – A DAF is a charitable donation account that you set up with a third party provider where you can contribute to the account as often as you want and then make donations from the account whenever you are ready. You will get a tax deduction when you contribute your DAF and often donors will donate appreciated securities to fund their DAF account. Since the standard deduction under the new tax law has increased to $12,950 for singles and $25,900 for marrieds, accumulating donations to a DAF in a single year may allow you to realize the benefit of a charitable tax deduction whereas you may not otherwise qualify. Donations made from a DAF to WoodsEdge will be processed as non-deductible gifts since the donor already received the tax deduction through the DAF. 

Please consult with a tax advisor to ensure your individual financial strategy works best for you. Should you have any questions about charitable giving, please contact us at  .