Join a Group

Group Formation is our process for creating new Community Groups. It takes place in February and September.


Become a Leader

If you feel called to shepherd a Community Group, we would love to hear from you. Tell us more about yourself.


What Are Community Groups?

Community Groups are life transforming, biblical communities where people live life authentically and on mission.

There's no better way to see Houston become a city of God than by starting in a community with other believers. Groups are where we work to model community the way the early church did in the Bible. Our desire is to be disciples who are making disciples so we are all continually learning, growing and having an impact on those around us for the sake of God's Kingdom.

Rooted in Scripture, Community Groups are the fullest expression of biblical community. At WoodsEdge, our Community groups are for people of all ages and seasons of life.

Within Community Groups, our hope is that each person strives to pursue life together beyond the living room and that groups become fully known to each other. Community Groups study the word of God together, share life and prayer requests, and encourage one another to grow in their love for God and people.

We’ve created Group Formation from the desire for everyone at WoodsEdge to have the opportunity to experience community. Group Formation is made up of six gatherings (the first of which is at WoodsEdge). At the end of six weeks, these groups will have the opportunity to continue meeting as a Community Group.

Our time at WoodsEdge will be a fun and friendly environment where you will hear the vision of community, meet others seeking community, and meet the leaders who are excited about shepherding new Community Groups. After meeting around tables the first night, the groups transition to homes across our area on a day and time that works for your regular rhythms.


Ministry Leaders